Update 0.5- Bug Fixes & Release

Happy to finally be releasing this game after way too long spent in development. It's a short & sweet game that a lot of love (and even more frustration) went into. My first independent release but as soon as this game goes up I'll be starting on a new, completely different project. I'm grateful to everyone who helped or supported me with the making & release of this game, and I'm so excited to dedicate my time to other games that I'd like to build. :)

Any bugs that I or the other testers may have missed in play testing, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed material on banana object

- Fixed bug where objects would not return after being thrown into the ocean

- Fixed bug where objects would not play sound effects on colliding with water or the floor

- Apples will now trigger particle effects when they fall off trees for the first time

- Items will no longer go through the ground when returning from water

- Fixed a bug where the 'Sprint' tooltip would display the wrong control binding

- Fixed bug where objects would not spawn in level 4

- Corrected spelling mistake in level 5

- Fixed bounds of level select buttons

General Improvements:

- If the player goes into a portal while holding an object, they will then drop the object

- The 'Throw' tutorial text will now remain for 3 seconds & until an object has been thrown

- Tooltip text will now refresh to show the current binding of a control if the control is rebound while the tooltip text is on-screen

- Added bounds to the separate island in level 3 so items will no longer be able to land there

- Added a cooldown to sound effects when objects hit the floor

- Changed the sizes of apples in trees so they are the same as the throwable apples

- Raised water level in levels 1-4

- Text box now turns off during an indefinite break in text in level 5

- Added throw force to the item in level 5

- Added charge SFX to the item in level 5

- Decreased the object spawn rate in level 5


- Removed sticks from the game

- Updated Music & SFX

- The collider for the water is now below the sea line, so objects will go at least partially under water before bouncing back

- Changed the way trees spawn in level 4

- Changed the maximum amount of trees that spawn in level 4

- Changed tooltip text in level 5 from 'Pick Up' to 'Interact'

- Moved an item in level 5 further away from the player

- Changed the end credits


Apple Island 104 MB
Dec 03, 2021

Get Apple Island

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